• Contact Us

    Brennan Title Company has convenient locations to serve you in Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia, and Delaware. Our offices work together to offer you a wide range of options for settlement, and the highest level of professionalism and knowledge. Brennan Title Company will conduct your real estate settlement at a time and location that is convenient to all parties involved. Please click below to find out more about each location!

Location Manager Phone Fax Email
Annapolis, MD Susan Coakley 410-224-1400
410-224-8343 Scoakley@brennantitle.com
Camp Springs, MD Sara Bucklew 301-423-5556 301-423-5354 Sara@brennantitle.com
Fort Washington, MD Denise Springmann 301-203-0800 301-203-0802 Dspringmann@brennantitle.com
Ocean Pines, MD Daniel Erb 410-600-0621 410-600-0636 Daniel@brennantitle.com
Owings, MD Renee A. Upton 410-535-2600
410-535-4813 RUpton@brennantitle.com
Prince Frederick, MD Melinda Hileman 410-535-4200
410-535-4813 Melinda@brennantitle.com
Waldorf, MD/ Relocation Division Lynda Hernandez 301-316-2600
301-316-3270 Lynda@brennantitle.com
McLean, VA Katie Grammes 703-917-0001 703-917-0860 Kgrammes@brennantitle.com
Delaware - Eastern Shore Daniel Erb 302-541-0400 302-541-0583 Daniel@brennantitle.com
Washington, DC Michelle Rose 202-537-1820 202-478-0975 Michelle@brennantitle.com

Attorney Phone Email
Susan Chartier 202-537-5378Scott  Susan@brennantitle.com

Staff Phone Email
John Brennan 301-261-8177 Jbrennan@brennantitle.com
Katie Grammes 703-917-0001 Kgrammes@brennantitle.com
Terri Walker 301-423-1515 x1 Twalker@brennantitle.com
Kati Smart 301-855-3340 ksmart@brenantitle.com